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SUPER 30 FULL HINDI MOVIE DOWNLOAD IN 5 MINUTES -  super 30 full movies  (HINDI, TAMIL, TELUGU, ENGLISH) Super 30 ,  Super 30 success story in Hindi Super 30 Mathematician is inspired by Anand Kumar's Super 30 Educational Program that prepares financially weaker students for IIT-JEE, the film features Anand Kumar's struggles and glimpses of his life, as well as the message in the film that the film has the right to move forward. Regardless of which section of the society it comes from, the film's mission is clear from two dialogs, first that the king's son will no longer become king, but he will become the one who deserves it. Arjuna will be the biggest archer until Dronacharya asks for Eklavya's thumb. super 30 The film world has always given hope and inspiration to the audience with film heroes and unique stories. Of course, cinema has affected the masses a lot, but when it is just the opposite, the scene becomes more enjoyable. The stories of rea

‪Access Hollywood,‪‪Donald Trump

Billy Bush Reminds Trump That, Yes, The ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Is Real In

Billy Bush of Access Hollywood fame has a piece in the New York Times today. It’s mostly about Donald Trump’s infamous “grab ’em by the pussy” remark, but there’s also this about the summer of 2015, right after Trump announced his candidacy:

In the days, weeks and months to follow, I was highly critical of the idea of a Trump presidency. The man who once told me — ironically, in another off-camera conversation — after I called him out for inflating his ratings: “People will just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you,” was, I thought, not a good choice to lead our country.

This is a very shrewd remark from Trump. And while it’s not an insight unique to him, he’s certainly taken it to far greater lengths than we’re used to.

I remember thinking about this years ago. It was pretty clear that the vast majority of people—not cynical political junkies like us, but normal people—basically just believe whatever politicians say. It’s an interesting contradiction. In surveys, huge majorities say that politicians are horribly untrustworthy charlatans, but in real life, they uncritically accept nearly anything they say. Their past records don’t matter much. The unlikelihood of what they’re promising doesn’t penetrate. Even fairly obvious insincerity isn’t a deal killer. If you say you’re going to cut taxes and reduce the deficit, they believe. If you say you’re going to provide universal health care without raising taxes on the middle class, they believe. People believe pretty much anything.

Or maybe not. It’s also possible that they don’t believe so much as they simply discount everything and treat promises as mere declarations of a candidate’s values. The fact that Trump approves of cutting taxes and reducing the deficit is all that matters. The fact that Bernie Sanders approves of universal healthcare and funding it solely by taxes on the rich shows that he’s a true progressive.

In the end, Trump may turn out to be less right than he thinks. But he’s still pretty close to right: “You just tell them and they believe you.” It’s not true of everyone, and it’s not true all the time, but it’s true for an awful lot of people an awful lot of the time.


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